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2010年,上海企發技*代理德國Immundiagnostik產品。德國Immundiagnostik公司,成立于1986年,專注于開發和生產創新性科研免疫分析試劑,此外,提供各種抗體和抗原。 Immundiagnostik在不同的領域提供廣泛的產品: •心血管和內分泌學骨骼系統學腸胃病學抗衰老/氧化應激..

DZ 900125 VitD Dry-blood carrier D-Vital ID77.112 immundiagnostik
DZ 900225 Vit D Dry-blood collection system D-Vital ID102.816 immundiagnostik
K 1011Osteoprotegerin (OPG) (Serum, EDTA plasma, Heparin pl., Citrate pl.)13744.5 
K 1012Myostatin **13280.4 
K 1013Urotensin II **14458.5 
K 1016total sRANKL15470 
K 1019sRANKL Mouse/Rat **13137.6 
K 1020Osteoprotegerin (OPG) Mouse/Rat **13137.6 
K 1800Thiol Status (Sulfhydryl Status Test)4712.4 
K 200725-OH Vitamin D Xpress CLIA5854.8 
K 200825-OH Vitamin D direct day CLIA5854.8 
K 210625-OH Vitamin D direct (1-point-calibration)5854.8 
K 210725-OH Vitamin D Xpress5854.8 
K 210825-OH Vitamin D direct day5854.8 
K 210925-OH Vitamin D direct5854.8 
K 211025-OH Vitamin D5854.8 
K 2110 ACTSOLElution buffer (10 ml unit)571.2 
K 2110DBS25-OH Vitamin D, blood spot5854.8 
K 21121,25-(OH)2 Vitamin D6283.2 
K 2314Vitamin D binding Protein (VDBP)8068.2 
K 3001ADMA direct (Mouse/Rat) **11923.8 
K 4000Vitamin C colorimetric4284 
K 4221Bone Sialoprotein [BSP] **10710 
K 4222Bone Sialoprotein [BSP] **15708 
K 4223Bone Sialoprotein [BSP] Autoantibodies12138 
K 4231Osteonectin (ON) **19635 
K 5600Zonulin (Stool)15422.4 
K 5601Zonulin (Serum)15422.4 
K 6110Retinol binding Protein (RBP4)8068.2 
K 6120Retinol binding Protein (RBP4) (1-point-calibration)8068.2 
K 6210ß2-Mikroglobulin [ß2-M]4212.6 
K 6250Adiponectin, total6283.2 
K 6330Albumin, human3712.8 
K 6331Pre-Albumin (Transthyretin)4141.2 
K 6410Pancreatic Amylase5497.8 
K 6500ß-Defensin 210852.8 
K 6510Immunglobulin G [IgG]3712.8 
K 6510AImmunglobulin G [IgG]3712.8 
K 6511Immunglobulin E [IgE]4783.8 
K 6515ß-Defensin 5 **#VALUE! 
K 6516ß-Defensin 6 **#VALUE! 
K 6600L-Citrullin12566.4 
K 6610Aa2-Makroglobulin [a2-M]4855.2 
K 6630Myeloperoxidase [MPO] (Stool, Urine)6568.8 
K 6631Myeloperoxidase [MPO] (Plasma, Serum)6568.8 
K 6631AMyeloperoxidase (MPO) (Plasma, Serum; 3h)6568.8 
K 6631BMyeloperoxidase (MPO) (Plasma, Serum; 2h; 25μl)6568.8 
K 6641Myeloperoxidase [MPO] (1-point-calibration)6568.8 
K 6710a1-Mikroglobulin [a1-M]4212.6 
K 6750α1-Antitrypsin (Alpha-1-Proteinase-Inhibitor)5569.2 
K 6752a1-Antitrypsin Clearance5569.2 
K 6760α1-Antitrypsin (Alpha-1-Proteinase-Inhibitor) (1-point-calibration)5569.2 
K 6811EDN (Eosinophil-derived Neurotoxin)9424.8 
K 6821EDN (Eosinophil-derived Neurotoxin) (1-point calibration)9424.8 
K 6830PMN-Elastase (1-point-calibration)6283.2 
K 6840PMN-Elastase6283.2 
K 6841PMN-Elastase (Serum, Plasma)6283.2 
K 6870Lactoferrin7711.2 
K 6900Lysozyme (Stool)5497.8 
K 6901Lysozyme (Stool) (1-point-calibration)5497.8 
K 6902Lysozyme (Serum, urine, liquor)5497.8 
K 6903Lysozyme (Serum, urine, liquor) (1-point-calibration)5497.8 
K 6910Chymotrypsin (concentration)6283.2 
K 6915Pancreatic Elastase8330 
K 6921Helicobacter Pylori Antigen - 2-hours assay10567.2 
K 6922Helicobacter Pylori Antigen - 2-hours assay (monoclonal)10567.2 
K 6927PhiCal® Calprotectin [MRP 8/14] Stool - 1-hour assay7711.2 
K 6935PhiCal® Calprotectin [MRP 8/14] Serum, Plasma, Urine7711.2 
K 6936S 100 A8/S 100 A9 ELISA (Calprotectin, MRP 8/14) **12566.4 
K 6937PhiCal® Calprotectin [MRP 8/14] Stool - 2-hours assay7711.2 
K 6938S100A12 (Calgranulin C, EN-RAGE)18611.6 
K 6947PhiCal® Calprotectin [MRP 8/14] Stool - 2-hours assay (1-point-calibration)7711.2 
K 6967PhiCal® Calprotectin [MRP 8/14] Stool - 1-hour assay (1-point-calibration)7711.2 
K 6990Chymotrypsin Activity Kit1856.4 
K 7010Casomorphin12709.2 
K 7011Gliadorphin (Gliadomorphin)12709.2 
K 7012GABA ** 9710.4 
K 7013Glycine **9639 
K 7014Phenylalanine ELISA9496.2 
K 7015Tyrosine ELISA8568 
K 7016BCAA colorimetric5950 
K 7031Glutathione- Peroxidase activity [GPx] **7068.6 
K 7110Epidermal-Growth-Factor-Receptor [EGF-R]9282 
K 7510AThyroglobulin [hTG] recovery5283.6 
K 7728L-Kynurenine **9639 
K 7730Tryptophan **9639 
K 7731Glutamate **6854.4 
K 7732Glutamine **6854.4 
K 7733L-Arginine **8496.6 
K 7780SDMA 10567.2 
K 7809Anti ox-LDL9139.2 
K 7810ox-LDL/MDA Adduct7996.8 
K 7811cAdvanced oxidation protein products [AOPP] (Cuvettes) **5640.6 
K 7811wAdvanced oxidation protein products [AOPP] (Microtiter Plate) **7996.8 
K 7816DHämoglobin, human [Hb]5497.8 
K 7817DHämoglobin/Haptoglobin-Complex [Hb/Hp]5497.8 
K 7821Proinsulin, intact7068.6 
K 7822Carbonylated Proteins **7425.6 
K 7823Kryptopyrrol **13994.4 
K 7824Nitrotyrosin9139.2 
K 7828ADMA 9639 
K 7829Nitrotyrosin (EDTA-Plasma, Serum)9139.2 
K 7836DHämoglobin, human [Hb] (1-point-calibration)5497.8 
K 7837DHämoglobin/Haptoglobin-Complex [Hb/Hp] (1-point-calibration)5497.8 
K 7860ADMA Xpress9639 
K 7870Carbonylated Proteins (Serum, Plasma)7425.6 
K 7960Glutathione-S-Transferase π [GST-π]8068.2 
K 8140Vitamin H (Biotin)7675.5 
K 8212Histamine (EDTA plasma, Urine)6426 
K 8213Histamine (Stool)6854.4 
K 8220Diaminooxidase (DAO) REA (³H-Nuclid)12138 
K 8500Diaminooxidase (DAO)7996.8 
K 8510Diaminooxidase (DAO)(1-point-calibration)7996.8 
K 8870Immunglobulin A, secretory [sIgA]5497.8 
K 8880Immunglobulin A, secretory [sIgA] (1-point-calibration)5497.8 
K 9210Relaxin 13780.2 
K 9311anti-Gliadin sIgA5283.6 
K 9393anti-human-tissue-Transglutaminase sIgA (anti-htTG sIgA)5497.8 
K 9396anti-human-epidermal-Transglutaminase IgA (anti-heTG IgA)6426 
K 9399anti-human-tissue-Transglutaminase IgA (anti-htTG IgA)5497.8 
K 9410BAFF ** 7854 
K 9411APRIL (A Proliferation-Inducing Ligand) **12138 
K 9510Thymosin a1 **13137.6 
K 9520Thymosin ß4 **13137.6 
K 9610Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor-a [TNF-a]6140.4 
K 9620Transforming-Growth-Factor-ß1 [TGF-ß1]6568.8 
K 9630Transforming-Growth-Factor-ß2 [TGF-ß2]6568.8 
K 9650TNFα blocker ADA, antibodies against infliximab (e.g. REMICADE®)12709.2 
K 9652TNFα blocker ADA, antibodies against adalimumab (e.g. HUMIRA®)12709.2 
K 9653TNFα blocker ADA, antibodies against etanercept (e.g. ENBREL®)12709.2 
K 9654TNFα blocker ADA, total antibodies against infliximab (e.g. REMICADE®)12709.2 
K 9655TNFα blocker monitoring, infliximab drug level (e.g. REMICADE®)13994.4 
K 9657TNFα blocker monitoring, adalimumab drug level (e.g. HUMIRA®)13994.4 
K 9710SC-reactive Protein [CRP]4641 
K 9720SC-reactive Protein [CRP] (1-point-calibration)4641 
K 9810Thymulin **13280.4 
KA40008-Hydroxydesoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) (Urine)11900 
KC1600Vitamin A/E (Retinol / Tocopherol)3427.2 
KC1700Ubiquinone / Coenzym Q106568.8 
KC1800Glutathione [GSH / GSSG]6426 
KC1900Malondialdehyd [MDA]6140.4 
KC2100Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal-5-Phosphat)4284 
KC2105Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal-5-Phosphat) (Bulk kit)19278 
KC2150Vitamin B6 (Plasma, Serum, EDTA-Whole blood)4998 
KC2201Vitamin B1 (Thiaminpyrophosphat)4284 
KC2205Vitamin B1 (Thiaminpyrophosphat) (Bulk kit)19278 
KC2400Vitamin K1 (Phyllochinon)5997.6 
KC2900Vitamin C (Ascorbinsäure)4284 
KC300025-OH Vitamin D2/3 Reversed Phase6283.2 
KC3201Hydroxy-Pyridinium-Crosslinks [PYD / DPD]6140.4 
KC5100PerOx (TOS) (Oxidative Capacity)5212.2 
KC5200ImAnOx (TAS) (Antioxidative Capacity)5212.2 
KC8000Adenosin (Urine) **13994.4 
KIF001ID-Vit® Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) MTP8211 
KIF002ID-Vit® Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) MTP8211 
KIF003ID-Vit® Niacin10531.5 
KIF004ID-Vit® Pantothenic acid10531.5 
KIF005ID-Vit® Folic Acid MTP8211 
KIF006ID-Vit® Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxin) MTP8211 
KIF007ID-Vit® Biotin8211 
KIF012ID-Vit® Vitamin B12 MTP8211 
KJKOGHS10E8-Hydroxydesoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) (Serum, Tissue)11900 
KM10001,25-(OH)2-Vitamin D3/D2 ImmuTube®, LC-MS/MS16600.5 
KM10011,25-(OH)2-Vitamin D3/D2 ImmuTube®, LC-MS/MS Tuning Kit9401 
KM11001,25-(OH)2-Vitamin D3/D2 ImmuTube®, LC-MS/MS Extraction Kit8353.8 
KM1100SIImmuTube®-Columns for isolation of 1,25-(OH)2-Vitamin D3/D2 from the sample (unit 50))7068.6 
KM2000Pregnenolon sulfate, LC-MS/MS18849.6 
KM3000Methylmalonic acid urine, LC-MS/MS14886.9 
KM3100Methylmalonic acid plasma/serum, LC-MS/MS14886.9 
KM4000Hepcidin 25, LC-MS/MS15422.4 
KM4001Hepcidin 25, LC-MS/MS Tuning Kit8930.95 
KM500025-OH Vitamin D3/D2, LC-MS/MS12637.8 
KM6000(3-Epi-) 25-OH-Vitamin D3, LC-MS/MS14351.4 


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